All About Agriculture As A Career Path
For more than 80% of the population of India, agriculture is the main source of livelihood, especially in rural areas. It also provides a large number of employment opportunities for rural people. India has been a victim of acute food shortage previously, although, today, India is relatively self-sufficient when it comes to agriculture despite the growing population.
To sustain this self-sufficiency in agriculture, there is an urgent need for human resources in the field of agriculture.
This is what makes agriculture courses so important. Students need to be aware of the multiple benefits of pursuing agriculture,
as there is very little information available about the course, moreover, universities do not advertise their agriculture courses as much as their other course.
CVRU Bihar offers one of the best and most comprehensive agricultural courses amongst all agriculture colleges in Ranchi.
CVRU Bihar imparts knowledge in various fields of agriculture like agricultural engineering, forestry, horticulture, veterinary and animal husbandry, dairy science, food technology and fisheries management.
The increase in population is also increasing the demand for food. This, in turn, increases the demand for agricultural professionals. Professionals in agriculture are expected to find solutions to problems like
- Predict future outcomes and be able to plan accordingly with every scenario in mind.
- Develop detailed plans for every scenario that could have ramifications in the agriculture business.
- Revisit scenarios and see how each scenario is impacted by different policy changes and adjust them accordingly.
Agriculture in India presently faces challenges like low productivity, low profitability, rising competitiveness due to globalization, lack of qualified manpower, threats to sustainability and poorly coordinated disaster management. To be able to meet the needs of these challenges, it is very important to train students. To fully address all of these issues, it is very important to have the qualified manpower. Along with this, new technologies can help grow and reduce costs in the field of agriculture.
What kind of career prospects do students have?
India is a leader in the field of agriculture, which means there would be no dearth of opportunities when it comes to agriculture. As long as the student has an interest in agriculture, the opportunities are endless. It is very important for a student to know about all the career opportunities in a field before opting for the course so that they can make the right decision for their future career.
Students have the option to choose higher education after completing their graduation in agriculture. These can range from M.Sc in Agriculture or MBA. An MBA degree is especially beneficial for students who wish to start their own business after studying. One can also opt for a PhD after completing masters.
Apart from these, the food processing industry is always hiring people with agricultural backgrounds, so this would be another great opportunity for students.
Students can also prepare for UPSC or Civil Services, as B.Sc is one of the best stepping stones to success for highly prestigious government jobs. Students can also opt for banking sector jobs by clearing their IBPS examinations.